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Time-to-go Polynomial Guidance with Impact Angle Constraint for Missiles of Time-Varying Velocity

Sang-Wook Shim, Seong-Min Hong, Gun-Hee Moon, and Min-Jea Tahk
Department of Aerospace Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Abstract—In this paper, a Time-to-go Polynomial Guidance (TPG) law satisfying impact angle constraints for missiles of time-varying velocity against stationary target is investigated. The guidance law assumes the magnitude of guidance commands as a polynomial function of time-to-go with two unknown coefficients. The coefficients are determined to satisfy the two terminal constraints, which are the terminal impact angle and zero miss distance. The derivation of the guidance law is constructed for exponentially decreasing velocity. The main contribution of this study is expansion of the concept of TPG for constant velocity missiles to missiles of time-varying velocity. The proposed guidance law is identical to typical TPG when the velocity of missile is constant. To verify the performance of the proposed guidance law, numerical simulation is performed. The simulation shows that the proposed guidance law is a sub-optimal solution of minimizing time-to-go weighted energy cost function.
Index Terms—time-to-go polynomial guidance, velocity varying missiles, impact angle control

Cite: Sang-Wook Shim, Seong-Min Hong, Gun-Hee Moon, and Min-Jea Tahk, "Time-to-go Polynomial Guidance with Impact Angle Constraint for Missiles of Time-Varying Velocity," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 65-70, January 2017. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.6.1.65-70