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Comparative Analysis of the Computer-Aided Systems of Gas Turbine Engine Designing

Venedikt S. Kuz'michev, Yaroslav A. Ostapyuk, Andrey Y. Tkachenko, Ilia N. Krupenich, and Evgeniy P. Filinov
Department of Theory of Aircraft Engines, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia

Abstract—The paper reviews the present computer-aided systems (CAE-systems) of conceptual designing and engineering analysis of the gas turbine engines (GTE) and power-plants (GTPP). Each of the examined system is briefly described and the comparative analysis of the following systems: ASTRA, DVIGwT, EngineSim, GasTurb, GSP and Uni_TTF is described. Trends of the development of CAE-systems of gas turbine engines are also indicated.
Index Terms—CAE-system, design, mathematical model, computer model, functionality, gas turbine engine

Cite: Venedikt S. Kuz'michev, Yaroslav A. Ostapyuk, Andrey Y. Tkachenko, Ilia N. Krupenich, and Evgeniy P. Filinov, "Comparative Analysis of the Computer-Aided Systems of Gas Turbine Engine Designing," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 28-35, January 2017. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.6.1.28-35