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Design Procedure of Overhead Monorail for Material Handling System for Food Processing Industry

A D Anjikar and C C Handa
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.D.K. College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Abstract—Handling of raw material, semi finished, finished product and other material is ever concern and cost in an industry. With increasing costof labour and its scare city the manual work or operation in industries are now replaced by semiautomatic or automatic system. These low cost systems are not only cost efficient but also enhance productivity and address the issues related to labour problem. Conventionally in micro or small scale industries which are labour intrinsic transportation of raw material, semi finished product is always an expensive and problematic issue. After visiting Waghmare food products, Nagpur and after discussion with the concern the shifting of raw material from store to the work place was a costly labour activity. Presently it is done manually. The industry was interested to identifying some optional material handling system to encounter their problems. After carefully survey of factory layout, discussing with management, concern exhaustively literature search it was preferred to design and develop a overhead monorail for handling of raw material. The main aims to design cost efficient, overhead monorail material handling system.

Index Terms—Overhead monorail, Dead load factor, Operating wind load, Hoist load factor

Cite: A D Anjikar and C C Handa, "Design Procedure of Overhead Monorail for Material Handling System for Food Processing Industry," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 316-321, October 2013.