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Fetal Tele-Echography Using Robotic Arm and Satellite Link

Rashmi M Gawai and K S Zakiuddin
Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, India

Abstract—This paper presents a new tele-operated robotic chain for real-time ultrasound image acquisition and medical diagnosis. This system has been developed in the frame of the Mobile Tele- Echography Using a Twisting Revolute Revolute (TRR) Robot. A light-weight six degrees-offreedom portable robot has been specially designed for this application.

Index Terms—Fetal, Tele-echography, Telemedicine, Satellite

Cite: Rashmi M Gawai and K S Zakiuddin, "Fetal Tele-Echography Using Robotic Arm and Satellite Link," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 302-306, October 2013.