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Modelling and Fabrication of Solar Powered Air Cooler with Cooling Cabin for Household Food Items

Vijaykumar Kalwa and R Prakash
1.Product Design and Manufacturing at Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur
2.Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur

Abstract—In hot and humid conditions the need to feel relaxed and comfortable has become one of few needs and for this purpose utilization of systems like air-conditioning and refrigeration has increased rapidly. These systems are most of the time not suitable for villages due to longer power cut durations and high cost of products. Solar power systems being considered as one of the path towards more sustainable energy systems, considering solar-cooling systems in villages would comprise of many attractive features. This technology can efficiently serve large latent loads and greatly improve indoor air quality by allowing more ventilation while tightly controlling humidity. Despite increasing performance and mandatory energy efficiency requirements, peak electricity demand is growing and there is currently no prevalent solar air cooling technology suited to residential application especially for villages, schools and offices. This project reviews solar powered air cooler with cooing cabin for household food items hence their viability for residential application

Index Terms—Solar energy, Cooling cabin, Centrifugal fan, 3D modelling

Cite: Vijaykumar Kalwa and R Prakash, "Modelling and Fabrication of Solar Powered Air Cooler with Cooling Cabin for Household Food Items," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 45-52, July 2014.