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Editorial Board


Prof. Richard (Chunhui) Yang 
Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Tecnologies, School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia
Research Interest: Mechanics of Materials, Dynamics of Machines, Finite Element Analysis, Computer-Aided Engineering, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems Design, Automated Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Circular Economy, etc.

Associate Editor

Prof. Ian R. McAndrew

Capitol Technology University, USA
Research Interest: Mechanical Engineering, Aviation

Editorial Board Members

Prof. John (Ioannis) D. Kechagias
University of Thessaly, Greece

Research Interest: CNC machines, automations,Control, transfer funcions, vibrations, advanced materials, processing, Optimisation, metals, composites, plastics, ceramics, structure and Mechanical properties, experimental design, artificial neural networks and Machine learning, etc.


Prof. Guilin Yang (Member, IEEE)
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Research Interest: computational kinematics, multibody dynamics, parallel-kinematics machines, modular robots, and cable-driven manipulators

Prof. Tien-Chien Jen

University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Research Interest: Advanced Manufacturing, Atomic Layer Deposition, Smart Materials, Smart Energy, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Computational Fluid Dynamics

Assoc. Prof. Denis Benasciutti

University of Ferrara, Italy

Research Interest: Structural Durability with Random Loadings and on Thermomechanical Stress Analysis and Low-cycle Fatigue

Full Prof. Pierluigi Beomonte Zobel
Dept. of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics at the University of L'Aquila, Italy
Research Interest: Robotics (Mobile and Fixed Robots, Grippers), Fluid Automation (Pneumatic Systems and Components, Pneumatic Controls), and Bioengineering (Exoskeleton, Orthoses), and Pneumatic Muscles

Prof. Thomas Hanne
Institute for Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland
Research Interest: Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Evolutionary Algorithms, Metaheuristics, Optimization, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Systems Engineering, Software Development, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management


Prof. Frank Otremba

Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
Research Interest: Mechanical Engineering


Prof. John P. T. Mo

School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Research Interest: Mechanical systems fault diagnosis, Machining and grinding of exotic materials, Autonomous robots, System reliability


Assoc. Prof. Tang Sai Hong

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UPM, Malaysia 
Research Interest: Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Hassan Soliman

Mechanical Engineering at the University of Manitoba, Canada

Research Interest: Chemical Engineering, Thermal and Fluid Science, Heat and Mass Transfer

Assoc. Prof. Roberto Raffaeli 

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Research Interest: geometric modelling, CAD technology, augmented reality, configuration, modularity, Design to Cost and advanced simulation approaches for mechatronics systems in the context of the Industry 4.0


Dr. Tianhao Wang

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA

Research Interest: Friction Stir Welding/Processing, Shear Assisted Processing and Extrusion (ShAPETM), Dissimilar Materials Joining, Structural Materials


Dr. Maciej Mazur

School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Research Interest: Additive manufacturing of polymers and metals, Design for manufacture, Cellular materials, Aerospace propulsion, Tooling, Fluid flow devices, Optimisation of mechanical systems, Mechanical testing


Dr. Mojtaba Ahmadiehkhanesar (MIET, SMIEEE)

University of Nottingham, UK

Research Interest: Robotics, metrology, control and modeling in industry 4.0 environment.

Dr. Lorenzo Scalera

University of Udine, Italy

Research Interest: dynamic modelling of robotic systems, trajectory planning, collaborative robotics.


Advisory Board Members

Prof. Giuseppe Carbone

University of Calabria, Italy

Research Interest: Manipulation and Grasp, Assistive Robotics, Mechatronics, etc.
