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Preliminary Shape Design for Screws and Helical Structures

Marina Rynkovskaya
RUDN University, 117198 Miklukho-Maklaya Str. 6, Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract—Due to continuous development of additive technologies and perspectives for their practical application in many fields of engineering such as architecture and civil engineering, mechanical engineering, etc., the question of new approaches and requirements for design process is becoming a key point. In this framework the search for the rational or optimal shapes seems reasonable. In the paper, the investigation on the design of several types of helical surfaces which can be applied in different fields of mechanical industry is presented, along with the parametric equations for ruled helicoids which can be useful for further application using additive technologies. Different classifications of ruled helical surfaces are presented and compared from technical and mathematical points of view. There are also some recommendations for usage the proper types of helical structures in accordance with geometry investigation and effective material usage. The paper can be interesting for designers from mechanical and civil engineering, architecture and industry design. 

Index Terms—helicoids, screw, rational type, right helicoids, developable helicoids, convolute helicoids

Cite: Marina Rynkovskaya, "Preliminary Shape Design for Screws and Helical Structures," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 696-700, May 2020. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.9.5.696-700

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