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Optimization Maze Robot Using A* and Flood Fill Algorithm

Semuil Tjiharjadi, Marvin Chandra Wijaya, and Erwin Setiawan
Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract— As the development of Robotics technology is expanding rapidly, the developments in the world of artificial intelligence is also growing very fast. The challenge is how to make a robot to become cleverer in deciding actions based on the circumstances that exist. It has become a distinct branch of science that offers many things that need to be investigated further. This research will be developed an intelligent robot that is able to solve the shortest possible distance to reach the destination in a maze arena. The robot will be "smart" in finding the nearest road to re-discover the goal. It is applying artificial intelligence method uses 2 algorithms to be compared and optimized at the same time to be together, so it is hoped to produce optimal results. Obviously, the two algorithms used are algorithms that will be the starting point for the next development of further research in artificial intelligence research of smart robot. The algorithm is applied to these smart robot is A * Algorithm and Flood Fill Algorithm.

Index Terms— artificial intelligence, maze robot, A* Algorithm, Flood Fill Algorithm

Cite:Semuil Tjiharjadi, Marvin Chandra Wijaya, and Erwin Setiawan, "Optimization Maze Robot Using A* and Flood Fill Algorithm," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 366-372, September 2017. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.6.5.366-372