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Maintenance Performance Evaluation of an RCM Implementation: A Functional Oriented Case Study

H. Supriyanto, N. Kurniati, and M. F. R. Supriyanto
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— Maintenance is a core function of production, necessary for keeping production systems running and avoiding failures. In reliability centered maintenance (RCM), maintenance is implemented based on concrete evidence reduces equipment failure rates, and increase competitive advantage and customer satisfaction. The maintenance strategy starts by collecting data to evaluate the functionality, condition, performance, and health of equipment, and our aim is to analyze maintenance performance, and identify potential indicators, to ensure that the maintenance sector is competitive, and efficient. Failure mode effect and Analysis (FMEA) is used as a tool to support RCM information worksheets and determine the functions of components, and failure, the cause of failure, and its consequences. These factors are used to determine the maintenance intervals of parts in a cooling water pump. The program to achieve these goals is supported by organization.

Index Terms—maintenance, failure, function, RCM, FMEA

Cite: H. Supriyanto, N. Kurniati, and M. F. R. Supriyanto, "Maintenance Performance Evaluation of an RCM Implementation: A Functional Oriented Case Study," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 702-709, December 2021. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.10.12.702-709

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