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Autonomous Maze Solving Robotics: Algorithms and Systems

Shatha Alamri 1, Shuruq Alshehri 1, Wejdan Alshehri 1, Hadeel Alamri 1, Ahad Alaklabi 1, and Tareq Alhmiedat 1,2
1. Faculty of Computers & Information Technology, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
2. Industrial Innovation & Robotics Center, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabai

Abstract—In robotics, autonomous movement is an important feature that enables the robot to move independently from one location to another. Autonomous movement within an unknown area requires the robot to carry out investigations. The concept of solving a maze has an important place in the field of robotics, and is based on one of the most important areas of robotics, the Decision-Making Algorithm. In this paper, we discuss and analyse existing maze solving algorithms, and investigate the recent development of autonomous maze solving robotic systems. In addition, the work presented in this paper guides the researcher and developer for choosing an adequate maze solving algorithm to develop an efficient maze solving robotic system for a certain scenario
Index Terms—maze, autonomous robot, maze solving, solver robot, maze solving algorithms

Cite: Shatha Alamri, Shuruq Alshehri, Wejdan Alshehri, Hadeel Alamri, Ahad Alaklabi, and Tareq Alhmiedat, "Autonomous Maze Solving Robotics: Algorithms and Systems," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 668-675, December 2021. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.10.12.668-675

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