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Examining the Influencing Factors of Intention to Use Domestic Robot by Grey Clustering Analysis

Kuei-Chien Chiu 1, Chih-Sung Lai 2, Hsing-Hui Chu 3, and Rung-Ching Chen 4
1. Dept. of Bus. Adm. / Dept. of Info. Mgmt, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan
2. Department of International Business, National Taichung University of Education, Taichung, Taiwan
3. General Education Center, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan
4. Department of Information Management, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan

Abstract—Domestic robots, even though introduced in the early 1980s, are still innovative products to the general public. This research combined Technology Acceptance Model and Innovation Diffusion Theory to explore the student's perception, acceptance, and adoption of domestic robot. The variables used in this study include relative advantage, trust, word of mouth, compatibility, communicability, attitude, consumer innovativeness, and simplicity. This study utilized a survey method to collect the perception data of using domestic robots and then grey clustering analysis to explore the influence of these factors. The questionnaires were administered to those students who took the course of general education. As the results showed that even if there are tremendously greater portion of the respondents have a high perception with Communicability and Simplicity than Word of Mouth and Relative Advantage, none of the eight factors reaches to high level with a proportion greater than 50%. That means that even though the performance and ease of use of domestic robots are well perceived, the image of relative advantage is still vague to consumers. Besides, the power of spread by word of mouth is amazingly weak with less than 9% of respondents falling in high level. This implies the domestic robot industries have to develop strategies to strengthen the relative advantage of domestic robots to convince the customers and to encourage users to share their user experience with the public.

Index Terms—technology acceptance model, innovation diffusion theory, domestic robot, grey clustering analysis

Cite: Kuei-Chien Chiu, Chih-Sung Lai, Hsing-Hui Chu, and Rung-Ching Chen, "Examining the Influencing Factors of Intention to Use Domestic Robot by Grey Clustering Analysis," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 10, No.10, pp. 553-559, October 2021. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.10.10.553-559

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