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Condition Monitoring of Kaplan Turbine Bearings Using Vibro-diagnostics

Katarina Monkova 1, Peter P. Monka 1, Slavomir Hric 1, Drazan Kozak 2, Marko Katinić 2, Ivan Pavlenko 3and Oleksandr Liaposchenko 3
1. Technical University in Kosice, Faculty of manufacturing technologies, Presov, Slovakia
UTB Zlin, Faculty of technology, Vavreckova 275, Zlin, Czech Republic
2. Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, Osijek, Croatia
3. Sumy State University, Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies, 2 Rymskii-Korsakov, Sumy, Ukraine

Abstract— Vibration diagnostics is an indispensable method to evaluate the technical condition of machinery. If the conditions of machines are regularly monitored, the problems can be corrected even before they arise. The most often overloaded components of the turbine are bearings that similarly like other machinery are subject to degradation wear. The article deals with the bearings´ condition of the Kaplan turbine. Within the research, the frequencies at which maximum accelerations were achieved and their impact on plant operation were observed. Time records were converted to the frequency domain by means of Fast Fourier Transformation and the records were processed by means of filters. Acceleration peaks have determined the frequencies responsible for the outer and inner ring damages, but based on an evaluation of the operating state of the bearing using Root Mean Square (RMS) values could be concluded that that damage to any part of the bearing is not demonstrable and the turbine is operability. 

Index Terms—diagnostics, vibration, turbine, bearing, operating conditions

Cite: Katarina Monkova, Peter P. Monka, Slavomir Hric, Drazan Kozak, Marko Katinić, Ivan Pavlenko, and Oleksandr Liaposchenko, "Condition Monitoring of Kaplan Turbine Bearings Using Vibro-diagnostics," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp.1182-1188, August 2020. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.9.8.1182-1188

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