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Numerical Study of Darrieus Wind Turbine Blade Characteristic with Shape Changes of Trailing Edge

Viktus Kolo Koten 1, Syukri Himran 2, Nasaruddin Salam 2, and Luther Sule 2
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Atma Jaya, Makassar, Indonesia
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract—Performance of the Darrieus turbine is determined by blade characteristics. In the static conditions, an excellent blade characteristic is that it not only has magnitudes such as drag coefficient, lift, and high pressure but also has a distribution of these quantities effectively in each azimuth angle. This study aims to find the right shape of the blade so that the quantities are effectively distributed in various azimuth angles. The formation of the blade model, the establishment of the domain model, element distribution process, determination of boundary conditions, and analysis process of blade characteristics is carried out by CFD. The results of the study show that the blade that changes the shape of the trailing edge of the semicircle is better than the blade that changes the shape of the trailing edge of the triangle and the blade that does not change the shape of the trailing edge. 

Index Terms—trailing edge, CFD, blade characteristic

Cite: Viktus Kolo Koten, Syukri Himran, Nasaruddin Salam, and Luther Sule, "Numerical Study of Darrieus Wind Turbine Blade Characteristic with Shape Changes of Trailing Edge," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 1088-1096, August 2020. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.9.8.1088-1096

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