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Experimental Investigation of Inter Mixing in a Tundish-Mold Arrangement

Md Irfan ul Haque Siddiqui and Pradeep Kumar Jha1
IndianInstitute ofTechnology, Roorkee Uttarakhand, India.

Abstract—A physical investigation has been carried out in which the inflow rate of the stream from ladle into the tundish is varied so that the level of steel in the tundish falls gradually. Once the steel level falls to certain depth below the top free surface, the inflow rate is further increased to maintain the original bath height of the tundish. Flow rate of steel into the tundish as well as the tundish bath height has been varied and the intermixed amount was calculated by using physical model of the tundish and water as the flowing medium. It was seen that decreasing the inflow rate of steel into the tundish decreases the inter mixed amount inmost of the cases. Intermixed amount was calculated both at the tundish outlet as well as at the mold outlet. This helps in knowing the contribution of mold intermixing to the overall intermixed amount formed.

Index Terms—Intermixing, Tundish bath height, Watermodel

Cite:Md Irfan ul Haque Siddiqui and Pradeep Kumar Jha, "Experimental Investigation of Inter Mixing in a Tundish-Mold Arrangement ," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Special Issue, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 36-42, January 2014.