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The Application of Fuzzy-Logic Method to Control of Robots: A Review Study

M Nazemizadeh, M Taheri, and Sh Nazeri
Department of Mechanics, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran.

Abstract— The application of fuzzy-logic method in control of systems has recently attracted increasing interest. Fuzzy controllers exhibit a simple and robust framework for specifying control laws that accommodate uncertainty and imprecision. This paper reviews fuzzy-logic applications for robot systems. An introduction to fuzzy logic method is presented, then a short literature review is provided and three applications of fuzzy logic for robotic systems are presented.

Index Terms— Fuzzy-logic method, Control, Robot, Manipulator

Cite: M Nazemizadeh, M Taheri, and Sh Nazeri, " The Application of Fuzzy-Logic Method to Control of Robots: A Review Study," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 229-238, April 2014.